Macro Monday - Poppies

Photos taken at the San Francisco Botanical Garden.

Romneya Coulteri (Matilija Poppy - Fried Egg Flower)

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betchai said…
beautiful, they stand out Jo.
Jama said…
Spectacular macro!
Katrin said…
How beautiful! You captured the sunlight in your pictures!
Unknown said…
Gorgeous poppies, specially love the first one (the color is perfect).
Gemma Wiseman said…
The magical depths in these macros is stunning! I especially love the sense of colourful music in the first macro!
Icy BC said…
I love the color in the first photo, Jo! Fantastic shots of the heart of these poppies!
Ann said…
very pretty. The petals in that first picture almost look like they are made of crepe paper
So lovely, especially on their tall, thin stalks.
Barbara said…
Love the center against the purple and white.

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