Tribute to my Sweet Boy Sonny


I cannot believe its been a month already that you flew to rainbow bridge. I have so much emotion and love for you its hard to put into words.

Our bond was loving, spiritual and special and still is. I still feel you are here especially at night, watching over us. You were and are one of the great loves of my life. You wre so wise, brave and sweet and I know through those traits you were teaching me to be the same.

I think of you each moment of each day. They say grief is unspoken love yet i told you and showed you daily how much i loved you and yet i still grieve. 

Having Dottie and Bobby here fill some of the emptiness that i feel and I know you and God orchestrated them coming back in order to help me fill the emptiness without you. 

I will love you and miss you throughout eternity my little pooper dooer sweet boy..

When you became sick and disabled and would come to me and lay on my chest for hours while i gave you scritches and cuddled with you I felt like God was giving me a little slice of heaven because you were my heaven. I could have spent every day like that with you for the rest of my life and been happy.

You live within my heart and soul and I know I live within yours.

Thank you my peekaboo good boy and thank you God for blessing me with my little precious sweet boy. I will love you always and forever, Sonny.🦜💚❤️


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