Shakespeare Garden

Photos taken at Shakespeare Garden in Golden Gate Park

I am participating in Shadow Shot Sunday 2


Anonymous said…
Oh how deliciously pretty these are. Are they nasturtiums I see?
Icy BC said…
Oh I love these shadow shots of yours, Jo! They are very pretty.
robin. said…
what a beautiful garden area.
rainfield61 said…
Did I hear that Shakespeare had joined the garden?
Rajesh said…
Beautiful shots from garden.
Such a lovely setting. Do you think the Shakespeare Garden has plants common to his period?
Gemma Wiseman said…
A beautiful place to wander. Love how the nasturtiums colourfully frame the ferns in the first photo.
betchai said…
oh, looks so relaxing and calm there, Jo
Self Sagacity said…
Beautiful, it looks very peaceful. Thanks for your visit, it's nice to see some familiar names on SelfSagacity.
Rick (Ratty) said…
What a nice looking place. I'm glad to say there are a couple of places where I live now that look similar. I don't visit them nearly as often as I'd like.

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