BOO To You!!!

I am participating in Wordless Wednesday


Annie Jeffries said…
Intriguing and a little unsettling.
Icy BC said…
Whoa..that's haunting, and fascinating image, Jo!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Icy and Annie. Thanks and it is such a random image. I have a wood table where I have my computer etc... I was sitting here one day noticing the patterns on the wood and this was on there. The pattern actually looked like owl eyes so I replace the brown color with black and white and voila! Now it looks like a ghost :)
You are so artistic and imaginative! The pattern on your table should put you in a Halloween mood.
Unknown said…
Oooo. Scary and very appropriate for Halloween week.
DrillerAA said…
Very creative image and nicely captured. Well done.
DeniseinVA said…
Great image! Happy Halloween :)
betchai said…
ypu're very artistic Jo, indeed, it looks like a ghost.
Photos by Stan said…
Spooky!! My first reaction was that this odd thing was on a sand beach. How surprising that it is in wood -- good eye!

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