Thursday Two Questions Meme

Photos taken of the USS Pampanito at Pier 45 in San Francisco.

Okay everyone, this is going to be short and sweet.  I was down Fisherman's Wharf the other day taking photos and couldn't help but see this broom sticking out of the USS Pampanito World War 11 submarine.

My questions are:

1.  Why is there a broom perched atop the submarine?

2.  Am I just not understanding it?

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SquirrelQueen said…
I love those photos.
LOL! It looks like something my hubby would do.

Okay, I just had to look this up. Here is what I found:

I learned something new today!
Andrea said…
Those are exactly my questions when i see it. Or is there someone humoring you? I am intently looking as maybe it just looks like a broom but maybe made of fiber optics, but no, it is really a broom. More questions for you, because you are the one who saw it, haha!
Colette S said…
Now I really really want to know!
Self Sagacity said…
I checked Judy's link, it is a learning for me! Symbolizes that Dutch had swept the British clean in the 1650's victory.
Now we know, but what was the USS Pampanito World War 11 sweeping clean of? Interesting post today Jo!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thanks for the info, at least now I know what it means. I guess I should google the submarine to find more info :)
Icy BC said…
The broom was there for the witch to claim...Just joking!

I didn't understand what it meant before reading the comments, and was with you on that question!

Fantastic photos, Jo!

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