Thursday Two Questions Meme - When is it time to quit?
For those of you who know me, you know where I work and that I always make decisions based on what my heart tells me to do. I am suffering through mixed emotions right now because my head will not let me listen to my heart.
I've been working at the garden for almost a year now. I love the garden itself, my coworkers and many of our regular visitors. One of the biggest problems is that we deal with literally hundreds of visitors each day. When you deal with the public on a regular basis there are bound to be problems and there are here.
I don't think one day has gone by that one of us working in admissions hasn't been abused in some way by someone who does not like our policies and blames us basically for doing our job. I won't get into details but when you begin waking up in the middle of the night stressed over your job is it time to leave?
Your answers today will very much help me. My heart says stay but my head says move on. I am really lost here so your thoughts and opinions very much matter.
Two ?'s today
1. When do you know it's time to quit your job?
2. Do you listen to your heart or head when it involves your livelihood?
Thanks, everyone.
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1) When I experience one or all of the above.
2) I used to not dare, but now, I am at the age that I can't afford to waste one minute of my life being miserable.
No job is perfect, but if you're doing something you love, it might be a tough call. If I were you, I would look for a position that doesn't involve with admission. There are contracting jobs for large corporations where the plant person only deals with taking care of the plants, and not have to talk to anyone. How about that?
As to your job, the decision is up to you. But if the stress is affecting your health it's time to move on.
If you are so stressed out, and have anxiety, maybe you should take a vacation and see if you can come back to your beloved garden with a fresher mind.
Ultimately Jo, the decision is yours as you know your situation and financial part better than any of us..
You know I am here for you!
But what are the/your options?
And then because I didn't have suitable options to leave, I saw this verse in a book and it might help me so I'll share with you:
There are times in life when you don't have a choice, you just have to get through it the best you can with courage. But one day, everything changes.
~ The Tale of Lucia Grand