Sunday Dinner

3/29/24 - 7/9/94

Sunday Dinner
For Mom

Pass the parmesan, Uncle Louie

and let's toast with the family chianti!

"Mia familia mangia con gusto

Genovese pasta con pesto"

Papa, may I be excused?

"Hey Franco, chew your food"

Papa, but I have a date!

"If he respects you, he will wait"

Aunt Maria, you're sitting so quiet

"Forgive her, she's on a diet"

Mama can't hear herself think

she just smiles and sips her drink.

Her family is together.


betchai said…
Oh, I love this so much Jo. It brings so much joy and smiles just reading this, frankly, it brings back memories of my family in the Philippines.
zorlone said…
This is a wonderful poem. Simple like having a family dinner, yet priceless!
tashabud said…
The poem gives a homey kind of feeling. I could picture the entire scene. Excellent!

Thanks for dropping me an Entrecard.

*lynne* said…
Hi Jo,
I really enjoyed this little slice of life: the mother's perspective is a healthy one! Others might get caught up in the details, but she just sits back and enjoys "family" :)
myonlyphoto said…
Oh this is one true poem, so cute, and so realistic. Your writing here is amazing, your poems are very enjoyable to read [all of them]. And lastly thank you for your visit to my blog. Anna :)
Joanne Olivieri said…
Betchai - I'm so glad it brings happy memories to you.

Zorlone - Thanks so much for being so loyal.

tashabud - you are welcome and thank you.

lynne - thanks, and she always did.

Anna - Thank you.
RNSANE said…
How did I miss this poem, Jo? It is truly wonderful.

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