Camera Critters #209

Zebra at the San Francisco Zoo

Giraffe at the San Francisco Zoo

Polar Bear at the San Francisco Zoo

Camera Critters

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Zenserly said…
such beautiful shots of the zebra, giraffe and polar bear...I love the giraffe most...makes me want to become one, in another life :-)
betchai said…
beautiful pensive shots of the animals, Jo. Happy Easter.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Kulasa, LOL :)

Betchai, Thank you and have a wonderful Easter weekend.
lina@happy family said…
Wonderful critters :)
Linda said…
Very nice photos of the critters... I think the zebra is my favorite!
Pat said…
Gorgeous critters!
RNSANE said…
All delightful shots...I just love the animals.
Blogger Broadcast said…
those are a bunch of handsome four legged friends.
Roan said…
Critter wonderland. Great shots!
Pia said…
Thanks for taking me to the San Francisco Zoo! I love the Icebear shot!
Tanya Breese said…
beautiful animals!

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