World Bird Wednesday - Ducks

Photos taken at the San Francisco Botanical Gardens

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fjällripan said…
Beautiful photos of the lovely ducks!! :)
Carletta said…
You caught them in some wonderful poses!
Beautiful captures!
HansHB said…
A very good post for WBW!
Unknown said…
Mallards are always beautiful!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
Unknown said…
I love that first shot! great capture!
KristiBowmanDesign said…
Beautiful ducks!! Love the first one stretching his little webbed foot out!
Anonymous said…
I like the graceful ballerina pose photo the best. Thank you for the comment on my in-flight photos. I've finally learned the secret is to hold the shutter release down and keep ripping off shot after shot. Then back home I throw out the rubbish finding that the odds are in your favor one or two photos will be presentable. Fast shutter speed is essential too. Give it a try next time out.
Connie Smiley said…
What beautiful shots!
Martha Z said…
Lovely images of the mallards.
eileeninmd said…
Lovely shots of the ducks! The first one is my favorite. Thanks for sharing.
TexWisGirl said…
lovely reflections and ripples. :)
Lovely colorful ducks -- and I love the reflections in the rippling waters too. Very nice series!
Nature Rambles said…
Beautiful ducks! I love the reflection and the ripples too!
Andrea @ From The Sol said…
You certainly have a good eye. The pictures are not only good ... the composition is wonderful. I love all of them, but the reflection is my favorite.
Nice work.

Andrea @ From The Sol
mick said…
Great photos. I especially like the first one with the duck stretching its leg.
Phil Slade said…
Lovely poses of the ducks you found there PS
Brian King said…
Love that first photo! Really nice shots!
NatureStop said…
Lovely ducks so well captured!!!
joo said…
It is always fun to watch them!
EG CameraGirl said…
I believe these ducks are practicing a ballet.
Jana said…
what a cute selection of lovely duck pictures...happy rest of the week from tulipland Holland:-)
Jana said…
simply breathtaking images!
Pat said…
Beautiful shots of the ducks and their reflections!
betchai said…
that duck looks so elegant, Jo.
Those ducks and the water convey a sense of peace. Love them!

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