Macro Monday - Old Devil Moon by Vocalist Sony Holland

Taken with my GE X5 Power Pro Series 14.1 MP Digital Camera with 15X Optical Zoom
on full zoom and macro setting.

Visit the Sony Holland website for more information and details.

Visit Macro Monday for more great photography.


carol l mckenna said…
Awesome macro of the moon ~ not easy to do sometimes ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^
Joanne Olivieri said…
Carol, thanks for the comment. It took me almost an hour to get that shot :)
Carletta said…
An hour to get the shot - you have lots of patience.
Loved the video but while watching it I realized I could hear piano but there wasn't anyone playing the one behind her. :)

Thanks for your visit!
Herding Cats said…
Fantastic moon shot!
Driftwood and Pumpkin said…
A treat for my ears this morning. Thank you!
Molly said…
Worth the wait and time without a doubt. Bravo!

Libby said…
I love it!! Bravo!! Very nice work.
Zenserly said…
such a beautiful photo of the moon....
Karen said…
Great moon shot!
Cathy H. said…
Amazing shot of the moon!
rainfield61 said…
Where far can a moon traveled after an hour?
Icy BC said…
Wow..your moon shot is fantastic and has details too, Jo!

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