World Bird Wednesday - Stellar Jay

Stellar Jay Taken at The San Francisco Botanical Gardens

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Linda said…
lovely photos, we were thrilled to see Stellar Jays when we were out west and of course I got lots of photos of them
Unknown said…
Love that hat!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
theconstantwalker said…
What a stunning bird to see.
Lovely images.
Anonymous said…
'Rock On'! Love his 'Punk' look.
EG CameraGirl said…
I'd LOVE to see these in the wild! They are so different from our blue jays.
Tina´s PicStory said…
what a pretty blue! great captured :)
HansHB said…
Awesome photos!
Great post for WBW!
eileeninmd said…
I like the color on the Stellar Jays, they are beautiful. Great shots.
Carole M. said…
I'd say a stellar photograph too; that first one especially with the plumage showing up as it did. Lovely bird.
Icy BC said…
He is so handsome and all dressed up so dainty!
mick said…
Great photos of an interesting bird.
Brian King said…
What a grand looking jay! Great photos!
NatureStop said…
Love the punky look and lovely images.Have a great wednesday!!!

fjällripan said…
Such a seet little bird, great captures!
Ann said…
He's a handsome one. Nice captures
Pat said…
Beautiful bird! I love his crest.
Springman said…
Good Lord what a head dress!
Larry said…
Great shots of the Steller's Jay with its crest up Joanne!

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