Scenic Sunday - Gardens

Photos taken at the San Francisco Botanical Gardens on two different days.
First two photos taken with my cell phone.
Last two photos taken with my regular SLR camera.
I'm beginning to think my cell should be my primary camera :)

Scenic Sunday
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Karen said…
I like the SLR photos better. They are sharper and more true to life.
betchai said…
beautiful photos Jo, both from cell phone and slr, like you, i take a lot of photos from my cell phone too :)
Joanne Olivieri said…
Karen, thanks for your comments. Yeah, the focus on the SLR is much better.

Betchai, when I don't bring my camera with me, the cell is a good backup.
rainfield61 said…
I love this series of pictures.

The last one with white flowers on the ground is my favorite.
Icy BC said…
Beautiful view of the garden, Jo! If only my cell phone camera has zoom, I would use it more often :-)
Al said…
Beautiful shots, and I also preferred the SLR photos.
Jackie McGuinness said…
I prefer the SLR photos as well but then I love my SLR!!

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