Weekend Reflections #135

There is a feeling of
peace that has imbued
my being.

Serenity is now my name
my description
my existence.

by: Joanne Olivieri

Photo taken in the Temperate Asia garden at the San Francisco Botanical Gardens.

Visit Weekend Reflections for more great photography.


Malyss said…
This picture is so beautiful that it could be a romantic painting!
Anonymous said…
You took such a magnificent image, so pretty, and so colorful! Beautiful reflection!
Rune K said…
Most of a rainbows spectrum is captured in this picture. Beautiful!
Cathy H. said…
Beautiful! Such a lovely, peaceful scene!! Perfect for your quote!
rainfield61 said…
A good and beautiful place.
betchai said…
oh Jo, this is just so beautiful, so serene and relaxing. I love your new name :), Serenity :) working to have it too.
Laura said…
so beautiful!

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