Pink Macro Monday

Taken at the San Francisco Zoo

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betchai said…
these are awesome pink macros, Jo, super love them.
Ann said…
what beautiful pink flowers those are. Those in the first picture are so soft looking
Lui said…
Macro beauties! ;-)
Jama said…
Gorgeous pink flowers!
Martha Z said…
Lovely pink blooms. Pink and blue are the colors of my garden today. Pink peonies and roses, blue iris. I love spring!
rainfield61 said…
Ladies are as beautiful as flowers.

What if I take a macro shoot of the ladies?
Muhammad khabbab said…
Wonderful. I agree with Ann that first flower is so soft looking and gorgeous.
Icy BC said…
They are so gorgeous flowers in pink, Jo!
Kala said…
Gorgeous colors!

Happy MM

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