Macro Monday Floral Parade

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RNSANE said…
Well, I love number three the best, dear Jo.
Icy BC said…
These are fantastic macro shots, Jo! The last one is so gorgeous, and looks like a star!
carol l mckenna said…
Excellent macro shots ~ beautiful! ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^
Wayne said…
I'm with rnsane, that last one is great!
Carletta said…
Lovely - the light in the first, the softness of the second and the excellent detail of the third - wonderful captures!
Jama said…
Stunning macro!
jeanlivingsimple said…
They all are excellent!
Margaret Gosden said…
Beautifully presented as well as photographed!
Trish ~ ♥ ~ said…
oh, I bet the gardens provided many photographic opportunities ~ lovely shots
Leah said…
Its amazing how the center of each flower is like a mini hidden piece of art in itself.
Well done capturing this.
Libby said…
Wow! REALLY stunning and well-done photos! Thanks for sharing them.
Herding Cats said…
Stunning pictures, really lovely
Anonymous said…
Excellent shots. I love the colors in the last one!
Cathy H. said…
These are all beautiful! I love the details on the first one and the stunning colors on the last one!!
Elsie said…
I like your beatiful pictures, they have all their own specialty.
Elsie said…
I like this beautiful serie.

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