Macro Monday Pinkies

Photos taken at the San Francisco Botanical Gardens.

Visit Macro Monday for more great photography.


Ann said…
Pretty in pink :) love the shots.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thanks Ann, hope you're having a wonderful Easter.
Libby said…
Those are really macros - it took me a sec to figure out what the photo in the banner actually was!! That is really good work!!
Jama said…
Stunning macro!
namaki said…
Beautiful ! I love the first one !
Herding Cats said…
Simply stunning and such wonderful vibrant pinks.
minor said…
Stunning beautiful photos! I enjoyed very much.
carol l mckenna said…
Wow! ~ Lovely shots ~ wonderful colors ~thanks,namaste, ^_^
Cathy H. said…
These are fantastic! I especially love the second one! The pastel lines of colors are gorgeous! Very abstract effect!!
Self Sagacity said…
these macro shots are amazing - as always.
TheChieftess said…
Gorgeous macros!!!
Pat said…
Lovely shots!
Icy BC said…
They are gorgeous, and great macro shots, Jo!
Mandy said…
These are really lovely! I love the slight imperfections in the top photo.

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