Camera Critters #210

Turtle resting at the San Francisco Botanical Gardens

Camera Critters
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betchai said…
so cute, so happy for you, your work is so right there where you love to be.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Betchai, I love it. I actually wake up and am excited to go to work. I took the photos of this little guy while I was on break.
rainfield61 said…
Having fun in work.

Many of us admire that.
Cheryl said…
One thing about turtles is they do know to take it easy. Sweet shots.
Ann said…
Nice shots of the turtle.
eileeninmd said…
Great sighting and shot of the turtle! It is always cool to find a turtle. Have a wonderful weekend!
Powell River Books said…
Reminds me of my turtle Butch. I got him when I taught school over thirty years ago. He grew quite large over the years. When I moved I fortunately found a turtle friendly home for him. - Margy
Brian King said…
You don't see turtle photos very often. Nice shots!
Anonymous said…
What a cute character! Lovely shots.
Icy BC said…
Oh, he/she is tanning, and is so cute..

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