World Bird Wednesday Black Swan

Black Swan taken at the San Francisco Zoo.  

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Unknown said…
Beautiful!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
betchai said…
that is a very beautiful and elegant swan, Jo.
jeanlivingsimple said…
I love the feather details on this beautiful swan!
mick said…
Great photo of the Black Swan.
Icy BC said…
She is gorgeous, Jo! Love the way her feathers all fluffed up..
Ann said…
What a gorgeous swan. Those feathers are amazing. Great shot
Rick (Ratty) said…
You really found a good one. That is one of the most beautiful birds I've seen. I love the way the feathers stick up in the back.
Anonymous said…
Oh my goodness, she is such a beauty! I haven't seen one so close like this!

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