A Portrait of Peace ~ Haiku

sunbeams caress her
dreams dance upon Mother earth
a portrait of peace


RNSANE said…
Beautiful, Jo...I loved meeting Sabrina at Culver City. She is such a beautiful dog.
Poetic Shutterbug said…
Carmen, isn't she a cutie? Thanks for following :)
Diane AZ said…
Your beautiful haiku fits perfectly with Sabrina's "Portrait of Peace."
Poetic Shutterbug said…
Diane, Thanks so much.

Walk in the woods, thank you.
R.S. Mallari (SpK) said…
I guess our pets are extensions of our personality or pets adapt the personality of the master. Wish I could meet the master and Sabrina in the flesh.
Mel Avila Alarilla said…
Yes, she looks very peaceful indeed in her slumber. I wonder what she's dreaming of? Thanks for the post. God bless you always.
SquirrelQueen said…
Sabrina is beautiful, she would make a fine Iditarod sled dog.
veredit said…
This is so magical, that words fail me! Thank you
make money online said…
Very poetic! It's indeed beautiful. :-)

This is my favorite pose for our Husky. The calm before the storm!!!
Lily Hydrangea said…
Your love of this precious pup is quite evident here in your words and photos. Beautiful!
eden said…
She is such a cutie and lovely words.

Thanks for dropping by.
betchai said…
your words are always representing well what we feel inside, and complements so well Sabrina's peacefulness while in sleep.
namaki said…
this is a beautiful dog !
Serline said…
This is one majestic creature, even in slumber...
webbloggirl said…
such a lovely doggy!
ruthi said…
i am so jealous of her. she must be so far away in dreamland. hope i could sleep like that... so peaceful indeed.
Mel Avila Alarilla said…
It's been such a long time that I read a poem in Haiku style. Very impressive and very delicate poem. A testament for your love to you majestic dog. Thanks for the post. God bless you always.
yoon see said…
Hello dear friend,

This is a touching poem and I love this friendly dog's shot.
I wish to have the same sunbeam shines on my face, dreams run thru the precious mother earth!
Annie said…
Sabrina is a beauty. I enjoyed the many photos of her you shared with us.
MinnieRunner said…
Peace, that's what I hope for the world.
ros@dimaggio63 said…
questo è un cane veramente bellissimo !
Grazie per la visita :)
Buonba giornata.

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