Cacti, Succulents & Exotics @ The Botanical Gardens


Unknown said…
Those are lovely Joanne! I want to go to San Francisco and go photo walking at the botanical gardens! If I am ever out that way, you will know.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Diane, If you are ever out this way we'll go together and do a photo extravaganza.
Anonymous said…
Great shots. I love cacti. My mom has a garden of them, but with her health it's not looking so good these days. Thanks for sharing. This post reminded me to help my mom with her garden as soon as weather permits.
Truth Ferret said…
You make even "unlikable" plants beautiful. Down here in the South, we have these wonderful plants that can survive our unpredictable weather.
Kass said…
Not a big cactus fan, but I love the sound of the word succulent.
Sharkbytes said…
These are SO beautiful. I love that they are outside. Here, they would need to be in a conservatory.
Margie said…
Beautiful. Nothing that pretty here. Go to bed early so Peter Rabbit will leave you an Easter present.
rainfield61 said…
I first read about photo walking, then overheard a photo extravaganza.

Wow!! It is must a carnival.
Oh gorgeous, Jo! Just so beautiful!

Happy Easter..
VanillaSeven said…
Beautiful Garden Jo :)

Happy Easter to you!
Unknown said…
Sounds good Joanne! Now I just need to get to California!
RNSANE said…
They have their own beauty but succelents and cacti are not my favorite plants. I'm more a tropical kind of in the lush paradise of Barbados or Malaysia. But I don't like sweating in the heat!
I didn't know that cactus has so many varieties. Thanks for showing great photos everytime!
Antônio Araújo said…
Amazing places... God bless you!

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