Along The Redwood Trail

All of these photos were taken by me at the Botanical Gardens. The Redwood trail is one of my favorite spots within the gardens. The trees are just so beautiful and majestic. The blue skies and sun shine through the branches as if kissed by the heavens. I could spend days lost amongst the trees.

There are wild plants and shrubbery living around the redwoods. It is a fragrant journey walking through this particular area.

There are mounds of skunk cabbage along the trail. I was tempted to bring some home and no, they do not smell :)


Ann said…
Looks like the perfect place to spend an afternoon or whole day for that matter. I hate to ask but what would you do with the skunk cabbage?
Joanne Olivieri said…
Well, maybe boil it in hopes that the untamed odor would keep away any unwanted visitors :D
Angela said…
Beautiful pictures. It sounds like a lovely and peaceful place.

Joanne, I also wanted to thank you for commenting on my poetry. It means a lot to me coming from you!

Take care and have a wonderful week!
RNSANE said…
I'll bet they, occasionally, might even have skunks in that forested glade. It is so beautiful there....would be a nice place for a stroll with a Margiedale!!
rainfield61 said…
Spending time in the garden is rewarding. You have some good pictures and a peaceful afternoon.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Angela, Thank you, it really is. You are welcome, I enjoy your poetry very much. Have a fantastic week.

Carmen, Well, If I were with a Margiedale, I would not be strolling :)

Rainfield, Thank you my friend :)
ReneeBuchananArt said…
It looks so magical there... I would expect a little gnome to poke his head up at any moment and take a picture of YOU!

Renee :)
Verna Luga said…
This so lush a forest ..... great Capture ... Have a nice day ahead..

Some Things Are Free
Woman’s elan vital
In This Side of Town
Anything Davao
Willie a.k.a Reptoz said… i wish i can go there someday when money permits.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Renee, LOL! I know, I expect that sometimes as well.

Vernz, Thank you and you too.

Willie, Whenever you are ready, you let me know and I'll take you there.
Unknown said…
Yay!! I just love redwoods.
Liz said…
It's a lovely place.

Hope you had a wonderful Easter celebration. :)
Rick (Ratty) said…
This is my kind of place. I feel safe and comfortable in a forest. The trees feel like shelter to me.
Unknown said…
These gardens are wonderful. So much, and different, inspiration for you.
Duni said…
Is there a bench nearby? I could spend a whole day there with a good book. It looks so peaceful :)
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous place to be! Beautiful photos of trees, Jo!
eastcoastlife said…
The trees are so tall! How old are they? Why call it a skunk cabbage when it doesn't smell? :P
Hi Jo
I am curious about the skunk cabbage. Is it edible? It's the first time that I have heard of it.
Diane AZ said…
The redwoods are gorgeous! The way you describe it, makes me want to visit my local woods, which has different plants and fragrance but is captivating nonetheless.
Lynda Lehmann said…
Thank you for the lush green morning walk! The forest ALWAYS comforts and inspires me....
lina said…
A slow walk on this trail would be divine.

I bet you can get plenty of inspiration just sitting and enjoying the gift of nature here. :)
DoanLegacy said…
Gorgeous photos! This would be a wonderful place to spend the day..
Anonymous said…
You are surrounded by beauty and you manage to capture it so well :)
AVCr8teur said…
So nice to find a favorite spot that calls to you on a regular basis. Plenty of nice weather ahead for you to explore more of the forest. I have never heard of skunk cabbage. I wonder where the name comes from.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Diane, I do too :)

Liz, I did and hope that you did as well.

Ratty, exactly I feel as if they are our natural protectors

jakill, they are a true inspiration for me.

Duni, yes, there are benches all over the gardens which are donated in tribute of loved ones.

Icy, thank you, I love trees.

ECL, They are so old, that they are even older than me :) I don't know why they don't smell. The first thing I did was smell the cabbage.

Mrs. M, you know I don't know. I wondered that too and it was the first time I've seen skunk cabbage as well.

Diane, Oh, yes you should, it's so invigorating and refreshing to get out there and visit.

You are so welcome Lynda and thanks for stopping by.

lina, oh, I sure do, thank you.

Doan, it's the perfect spot for me to spend the day.

Thank you so much Brittany.

Karen, I don't know on the skunk cabbage. I'll try and find out more because it is all over the redwood trails.

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