Eureka Ferry Boat @ Hyde Street Pier

All photos taken by me @ Hyde Street Pier, San Francisco.

While my friend Joyce was in town last week, it was fun going around playing tourist. I love Hyde Street Pier which is located adjacent to Aquatic Park and has many a boat/ship docked there including the Eureka ferry boat. This boat is permanently docked at the pier and serves as a historical museum along the bay. Throughout the year there are scheduled free days at Hyde Street Pier where you can hop on board and visit the boats. I didn't know when in that area last week that it was a free day so I took advantage of the short time I had and visited the Eureka again. You can find out more about the history etc... of this ship by visiting

I went a little crazy with photos, as usual, so enjoy the Eureka montage below.

Eureka Ferry signage information

Vintage autos

Vintage trucks

Vintage Ghirardelli chocolate truck

Onboard anchors


Front wheel exhibit

Engineer's platform

Engine room


~✽Mumsy✽~ said…
Oh love those vintage cars, and ferry photos! What a great way to spend the day and playing tourist :-)
rainfield61 said…
Why there are trucks and cars inside a ferry? They are supposed to be on the road, aren't they?
Ann said…
Looks like my kind of site to see. I love stuff like that.
Anonymous said…
Definitely an awesome site!
DoanLegacy said…
So many things to see on the ferry! I love ferry ride!
betchai said…
i love old cars Jo, it is so interesting to see them in and with the ferry, thanks for sharing this, someting to check out when we get the chance to visit SF again.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Mumsy, It's fun to play tourist in your hometown :)

Rainfield, yep! However in the 1800's there were no bridges and roads so people needed to get themselves and cars from one place to another. The old cars on the ferry are really cool to see.

Ann, I do too. I've been there many times before but could not resist another free look.

Brittan, thank you, it was fun.

Doan, I do too. One of my favorite spots is the star ferry ride on Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong. I love it.

betchai, Definitely, there will be so much to see here you'll need to stay at least a month :D Carmen and I can wine and dine you.
Diane AZ said…
Fascinating ferry boat museum. I love that old Ghirardelli chocolate truck!
Unknown said…
It looks like you had a great day. Sometimes it is fun to be a tourist at home.
Martha Z said…
What a neat museum, another place to visit when we go to San Francisco.
I remember as a kid taking the ferry, a nostalgic trip for my parents who had each lived in the city as children. For me, growing up in LA, it was just something new.
Unknown said…
Sounds like a really great day, Jo.
RNSANE said…
Such a nice post, Jo...I feel like I was around when that ferry was running....Betchai better get herself here while I can still wine and dine, for heavens sake!!!
RNSANE said…
By the way, Jo, did you see my Taffy blog? I'm definitely going to the dogs!
VanillaSeven said…
Wow! Lovely antiques! I can stay there for hours taking pictures at the Ferry!
Secondary Roads said…
I enjoyed the ride on the Eureka with you today.
lina said…
Awesome exhibits. Sure looks interesting to be on the ferry and enjoying all the exhibits there.
Bangchik and Kakdah said…
The sad point is that, VINTAGE goes to items that has surpassed the usable period. The happy note is, those are items well remembered by many!! ~bangchik
Liz said…
Looks like you had so much fun. I enjoyed looking at your photos. :)
Self Sagacity said…
Okay, I really missed these Joanne, I didn't see them in San Fran, isn't that weird? Maybe I did but forgotten, either way, it's great to see it on your blog today.
Reeni said…
What a fun way to spend the day! Neat pictures!
AVCr8teur said…
It's always fun playing tourist in SF. I didn't know about the free day. Thanks for the tour! One can never take too many pictures. :)
What a neat place. I've never seen it and this will be a great place to visit next time we're in SF. I love all the vintage cars.
~✽Mumsy✽~ said…
Fantastic series of photos! I like seeing things on the ferry..

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