Wordless Wednesday - Garden Pathways


Truth Ferret said…
Your might not have typed any words, but your photos speak volumes. Thank you for sharing the natural essay.

It's a bit ironic, that I received other garden pictures today from another blogger. Check out The Loon's blog on my following wall. He has included pictures from an English garden that are also remarkable.

Have a great day. Maybe after this weekend, I'll have some pictures of the wildflowers around here. They are just beginning to show.
We are suppose to have a bumper crop with all the rain we've had. We'll see.

Warmly, Ferret
lucinda said…
is that your garden?? beautiful!!!
Silke Powers said…
Just beautiful!! I love the gardens in the San Francisco Bay Area. We lived there for a few years some time ago and it seemed that everything grew so effortlessly!! Thank you for those memories... :) Silke
rainfield61 said…
Your garden pathway is very quiet today.
What a nice place to get in lost in for the day!
Anonymous said…
I would love to be there. Serenity comes to mind...
ian said…
i love garden paths... there's something about not knowing what surprise lies at the next bend- a fountain, a sculpted hedge, a nymph maybe...
Ann said…
I can see why you love the gardens so much. These are just beautiful. What a peaceful place to walk or just sit and daydream.
Self Sagacity said…
You just see things so beautifully. I have been there, but did not capture the scenery quite the same way as you did. Good job@
Ask Ms Recipe said…
Nice quiet gardens time for nap :)

Ms R
WillOaks Studio said…
Beautiful!!! I see you chose the "green theme" for St. Pat's, too?? I know, it's just a coincidence...I like green every day!
Truly, a picture speaks a thousand words! xoxo
Sharkbytes said…
You just make me want to come walk there!
Verna Luga said…
Love to walk here with someone holding hands ... aww so romantic..
Rick (Ratty) said…
I like all of these paths. I found myself moving closer to my monitor trying to see around the corners where the paths go.
AVCr8teur said…
Such a beautiful garden and so well kept.
lina said…
Just looking at your photo with all the greenery makes my eyes feel brighter. :)
Unknown said…
I love your pathways Jo. Gardens and their pathways are right on my mind at the moment.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Ferret, yes please do share those wildflower pics, I'd love to see them and thank you.

Felice, I wish, no it's the botanical gardens here in San Francisco

Silke, ah thank you and you are welcome.

Rainfield, yes and that is the way I like it.

Icy, it really is and I do it all the time :)

Dawn it is so peaceful and serene there. You would love it.

ian, exactly, little fairies, nymphs and forest creatures :)

Ann, yes. Although I daydream a little too much :D

Self, you know it's different all the time. I can take a dozen photos of a certain spot and they are all different.

Ms R, LOL! Know what you mean.

Karen, I do too, it's the color of nature.

Michelle, Mrs. M, aw, you are sweet, thank you xoxo

Shark, you would absolutely love it here. Come on out and you, me and Carmen will get out there and have a picnic.

Vernz, they have evening events as well and yes it is romantic.

Ratty, there are more and more paths each time I go there. I love it.

Karen, it is very well kept, all by volunteers.

lina, that's wonderful, I'm glad it throws some brightness your way.

Thank you diane

jakill, I know, I am loving your garden posts.
DoanLegacy said…
Gorgeous pathway and so serene!
DoanLegacy said…
Oh sorry for the last comment. It was meant to be for this post..This are gorgeous pathways, and so serene!

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