Sky Ocean Earth

Photo taken by me @ Ocean Beach in San Francisco

sky ocean earth

sky, ocean and earth
meet beyond the horizon
daily reunion


betchai said…
beautiful words and picture Jo, so peaceful and vast.
Ann said…
Now that is an awesome view. Looks like a great place to sit and think. I would like a daily reunion with something like that :)
Bangchik and Kakdah said…
A vanishing point of dualism, of high and low ~bangchik
Kass said…
To see the unity of things is a gift you have!
bessye said…
so that's what I'm missing...a camera...
I love the new look of your site, clean fresh..
I need to do the same with my site. Hope your feeling better, heard you were sick...take care.

Margie said…
The boys said they'd love to go there and have a picnic.
Joanne Olivieri said…
betchai, thank you, glad you like it.

Ann, :) it is very inspirational.

bangchik, you need to write your own book. Love your words.

Kass, aw, you're sweet and thank you.

bessye, yes, a camera :) Thank you and I am back to 100%

Margie, Sounds great, I'll bring the whip cream and chocolate.
rainfield61 said…
And the reunion makes thing perfect.
Joanne Olivieri said…
rainfield, well said my friend :)
WillOaks Studio said…
What a beautiful landscape, seascape, skyscape!
AVCr8teur said…
Ahhh, nature's daily ritual. I love the sound of the waves and you found a beautiful day to see Ocean Beach.
Unknown said…
Very pretty Joanne!
DoanLegacy said…
Just perfect, but it said all..
Joanne Olivieri said…
Cinnamon, thank you

Karen, Thanks for the compliment

Karen (AVC) Yeah, it's always iffy out at ocean beach but this day happened to be pretty scenic.

Diane, thank you.

Doan, Ah, thanks so much.
The clouds look like they are forming rays! Very nice picture!
RNSANE said…
That ocean beach offers inspiration eternally, doesn't it, Jo. Beautiful photo and poetry but, then, what else would one expect from you!!!

Flying home this evening. It's been a long three weeks!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Michelle, I know it's pretty cool, thanks.

Carmen, you are too sweet. I hope you can rest and relax for a while now. You need to de-stress.

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