Happy Birthday Mom

Today would have been my Mom's 86th birthday. The photo above was taken probably about 17 or 18 years ago. My niece Alissa, who is 21 years old now is celebrating her birthday in the photo so it's been at least 17 years.

My Mom loved to sing. One of her favorite all time songs was Embraceable You. She would go around the house singing it all the time. So, in honor of her birthday, I give you Sony Holland singing that song with the Big Band last year. I only wish Mom would have lived long enough to meet Sony and hear and see her perform the song. Between it being Mom's birthday and Sony singing her favorite song, this is a very special post. Enjoy!

Happy Birthday, Mom, this is for you.
Thank you Sony.


Icy BC said…
Beautiful song to remember mom on her birthday, Jo!
Secondary Roads said…
Wonderful pic. I love the expressions on their faces.
Truth Ferret said…
Wow, our moms almost had the same birthday, didn't they? My mom would have been 89 on this birthday.

Don't you find yourself almost calling her for a tidbit of news or smiling in anticipation of her reaction to something you've done? I do and then I remember that I don't have to call her, as she is alive in my heart.

Happy Birthday to your mom.
pixelshots said…
bB'DAY wishes to your mom..

take care.
Willie a.k.a Reptoz said…
Wow...your mum is really old. My mom is 62 years old this year and your niece must be a grown up woman now. Happy birthday to your mom.
bessye said…
Hi Joanne,
What a sweet way to remember your mother. It sounds like those were wonderful childhood memories for you as well. Very nicely done Joanne.

Joanne Olivieri said…
Icy, thank you, it was her favorite.

Chuck, they are happy campers.

Ferret, that is sweet. I used to feel that way long ago when she first passed, now I feel as you do. BTW the books are on order so you will be receiving your copy in a few weeks.

Thanks, pixel.

My Mom would have been old, yes and Alissa is all grown up now. Thank you.

Thanks Bessye, for your kind words.
Anonymous said…
A beautiful song and a very touching post :)

Hope you're having a great day!
Ann said…
What a nice tribute to your mom. My Dad was about the same age as your mom, a year older.
Kass said…
What a sweet way to give tribute to your mother. Sonny has such a mellow, warm voice.
RNSANE said…
Happy birthday, Mrs. Olivieri. My mom is 86 now and I'm afraid she is having a rough time of it. If you would, from your perch among the angels, could you keep an eye on her, please.

By the way, you did a great job with your daughter! I'm afraid my mom had a rough time with me. Jo is about the best friend anyone could have except for her choice of dessert places to eat!

Isn't that Sony Holland incredible? She called last year, with her husband and sang "Happy Birthday" to me on my cell phone. I didn't plan to ever delete it and I was so upset when it was automatically deleted after a certain number of days.
AVCr8teur said…
Wonderful tribute to your mom! Happy Birthday to your mom.
Unknown said…
Lovely Mom, lovely song, lovely singer, lovely memories I'm sure.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thanks to everyone for visiting and leaving comments.
Mumsy said…
Happy belated birthday to your mom! Sonny has a wonderful voice to sing that song, and this is a great tribute to her memory.
Anonymous said…
"... or better yet, words about my mother, symbolizing my daily thoughts of her. She, who has given me the gift that I cherish most of all, my life, and with it, my thoughts for this day and of the curious days that await me."

I think that if your mother were with us today, Jo, she would be very proud of you.

G & T
Sony Holland said…

That is so incredibly sweet...makes me sad that I didn't get to meet your Mom:(
Joanne Olivieri said…
G & T Thank you for the kind words :)

Sone, aw, thank you, sweets.
Glynis Peters said…
Happy Birthday memories of your mum. A lovely tribute post.
Cheryl Kohan said…
That's a wonderful song. I love it, too. What a nice picture of your mom. She looks very happy. (Followed a link from the "You might also like..." bit at the bottom of your post.)

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