Sunday Shadow Shots

I am way too tired to write anything today so I thought I'd display some shadow shot photos I took at the Botanical Gardens last week. Hope you like them, enjoy!


Sadia said…
Joanne the beauty of these gardens speaks for itself. The second image has shadows like a spun web; very striking!
Hugs and take care,
Diane AZ said…
Oh, I love these tree shadows! The middle one reminds me of a leaf skeleton.
Duni said…
These shadow shots are fantastic, the 2nd one especially!
Unknown said…
Lovely for a lazy Sunday.
Reeni said…
These are great! I wish I was strolling through there right now!
Kass said…
The second shadow shot looks like my varicose veins. I wish I thought they were as beautiful as your pictures.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thanks Sadia, I normally don't notice shadows because I'm always looking up into the trees, but these were hard to miss.

Diane, I know huh? pretty cool. Thanks.

Thanks Duni, that is my favorite one too.

jakill, thanks, don't you just love lazy Sundays?

Cinnamon, Thanks, I think I'll do just that tomorrow. Too lazy today.

Kass, HaHaHa LOL! Hilarious and you know I never thought of that at all, until just now :D You have pretty veins :) Your comment gave me an idea.
Ann said…
I love shadow shots. Those are great. I especially like the first one. Take care and get some rest.
Mel Avila Alarilla said…
These are fantastic shots on the beauty of nature. Your passion for nature is matched by your passion for photography. They go hand in hand in your inherent passions for the sublime. Thanks for the post. God bless you always.
EJ said…
Must be relaxing to walk around in there. Have a blessed Sunday
Sharkbytes (TM) said…
I like the top one best. It looks all crackled!
VanillaSeven said…
The shadow looks like the roots! Interesting!
betchai said…
oh, love the skeletal shadows of the trees Jo, very interesting.
DoanLegacy said…
Great Shadow Shots! They are all pretty captures and lovely greenery.
Unknown said…
Very nice Joanne. I love our garden photos.
~✽Mumsy✽~ said…
These shadows are so pretty! It has been raining here for the past 4 days. It's so gloomy and your photos lift my spirit!
Hi Jo
The last picture looks like a painting! Terrific shots!
Thanks for always reading my blog!
lina said…
I love the first photo.
Sure would nice to have a stroll there.
DoanLegacy said…
Gorgeous, gorgeous to see!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Ann, thank you. I'm going to just bum around for a while

Mel, you are a sweetheart, thanks for your kind words.

Joops, yes, it is very peaceful and serene.

Icy, thanks alot.

Shark, it does look crackled

Vanilla, you know, you are right, they do.

betchai, the lighting had alot to do with it.

Doan, thanks, the greenery there is gorgeous.

Diane, I do too :)

Mumsy, aw, I'm glad they made you happy. It's beginning to rain her now.

Mrs. M, Thanks and I love reading your blog.

lina, it is nice to take a walk through those gardens.

Thanks Doan :)
RNSANE said…
Those are wonderful, Jo - I'm so attunded now to shadow shots...never gave them a thought before I started blogging!
Anti Aging said…
Hi Jo! Just dropped to take a closer look of this blog. It's fantastic! And I’m glad I came by this blog! I really love gardens and I'm sure one will experience tranquility strolling out there.

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