My New Poetry Book - Self Publishing - CreateSpace

For a while now I have had a poetry manuscript ready to be published. As always I went to Shadow Poetry first as I had with my two previous chapbooks only to find that I could not afford their prices and decided to wait until I had enough money saved to publish my third poetry book. As you know I won a contest with The Publishing Maven a couple of months ago and Christy sent me her book The Step-By-Step Guide to Self Publishing for Profit. I read the entire book, cover to cover and was simply blown away by her book. It is the most comprehensive, concise and detailed guide to self publishing that I have ever read.
She describes in detail how to use createspace which is a division of and is a FREE, yes I said FREE, self publishing venue for anyone who is looking to publish a book. Upon finishing her book I immediately went to createspace to check out the site and found exactly how easy it was to create my book by just uploading my files and making a few decisions as to the cover of which they provide templates, title, etc... By using Christy's book as a guide, I was able to go through the entire process of creating my own poetry book within a few hours. And, did I say it was FREE? There are different options available, however, the free option is what I chose which also includes your book listed on and a free e-store. The only thing I had to pay for was a proof copy of which will be arriving in the mail shortly and costs less than what lunch at McDonald's would cost me, if I ate there :) How do I know my book will be professional looking? Because Christy's book was also published at createspace and it is one of the best books I've seen and read on the subject.
So, my new book will be available very soon and when it is, I will be spamming all of you :) If any of you are thinking of publishing your work, createspace is a fantastic option. Why pay hundreds of dollars to have your book published when it is completely FREE at createspace. They are a print on demand venue and therefore they can afford to offer their services for free.
I urge you all to not only check them out but to check out Christy's book by clicking on the widget below and seriously think about getting her book. It's a must for any writer wanting to self publish.
Shark, yes do, it's all free. Thanks.
Margie, I hope it will include photos :)
Dave, ah, that's great to know. Thanks so much.
Chuck, it is an absolute Godsend for writers. I will keep you all updated. I've just made a revision so I'm awaiting another approval from them but it should not be long now. Thanks.
Brittany, you are welcome :)
Colleen, I can't wait until you have yours published and this place is all free. I will get you a copy as soon as it is available. xoxo Jo
Ann, Thanks so much and yes, the price is amazingg :D
Karen, Thank you.
Thank You.
Thanks for the help and good advice!
Thank you Vernz.
Glynis, I've heard good things about Lulu as well but I was never able to master their software.
John, yes do. It's very easy and the right price :)
jakill, LOL! Yes the spam will hopefully be on it's way soon :D
Thanks so much for the plug and I'm so glad you are getting your book published. I think that everyone has the right to access to a good, cheap POD press (and not a VANITY press) that will keep you getting ripped off! Good for you!
Christy Pinheiro
Secondly, and most important I sincerely thank you. If it weren't for your book, I would not have a book in the works and ready to be published.