Wordless Wednesday - Sights in Golden Gate Park

Photos taken by me. Click photos to enlarge

The above photo is a view of the inside entrance to the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park.

One of the outside gates to the Japanese Tea Garden.

A Diore' vase sculpture on the outside front grounds to the DeYoung Museum.

Lion sculpture outside the DeYoung Museum.


DoanLegacy said…
Gorgeous scenery, and beautiful pictures!
Bangchik and Kakdah said…
Delightful. The first picture is a lovely collection of colours, such a deep contrast and yet beautiful. ~bangchik
Ann said…
Very nice. I would love to walk around in that Japanese tea garden.
Francis Scudellari said…
I've only been to SF once, and just for a weekend. These photos remind me I need to get back there.
AVCr8teur said…
Those red flowers/bushes really pop out of your picture. That vase has intricate carvings. I remember stopping there and just staring at it.
betchai said…
beautiful pictures Jo, love the colors in the first picture, awesome.
Rick (Ratty) said…
I would love to visit places like this with the fancy buildings and statues, and all of the nature around them. Oddly, the closest I've had to that was walking through the cemetery. That was one of the first places where I learned to like nature. Beautiful duck ponds, trees all around, and interesting statures and buildings.
yoon see said…
Thanks for visiting and leaving kind comments on my blog.
Sorry, I haven't been online for almost a week.
I really love the serence setting here.
Thanks for these unique shots.
Each photos has its own unique stories.
I love learning thru sight seeing, though on the blog...He..He..
Unknown said…
So pretty. Great shots!
~✽Mumsy✽~ said…
Gorgeous picture, and what a beautiful place to be!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thanks Doan, I was lucky that it was a clear day with blue skies :)

Bang, Thank you. It was difficult to get a photo there that day with all those people around.

Ann, it is beautiful and I will do that one of these days when I feel like being a tourist :D

Francis, Aw, you're sweet, thanks and you do need to get back here.

Karen, yeah that vase is really cool.

Thanks Betchai, now I have to get inside because the grounds there are gorgeous, I will soon.

Ratty, cemeteries are great for nature photo opps. It's also good for writing because it's so peaceful and serene.

yoon see, you are welcome and thank you. Visiting blogs is a wonderful way to travel :)

Thank you Diane, though not as gorgeous as your Japanese shots :)

Thank you Tabib.

Thanks Mumsy, it is beautiful there.
Cruiselife & Co said…
Great captures. Wow, the grounds are amazing.

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