Wordless Wednesday - Spring Is On It's Way

All photos taken by me @ The San Francisco Botanical Gardens. Three separate days and three different trees. Enjoy!


Secondary Roads said…
The crocus are in bloom here. Above freezing temps are melting the snow. Warm-weather birds are beginning to appear. (No robins -- yet.) Spring will arrive here in a few weeks.
~✽Mumsy✽~ said…
Gorgeous photos! Are they magnolias? I love the smell of these flowers in the air.
Bangchik and Kakdah said…
The so many variables that make a day and a tree will in the end, make each day and each tree so unique and never a duplicate of another. ~bangchik
rainfield61 said…
Three seperate days and three different trees, with single message: spring is back soon.
Kass said…
People keep saying that and your pictures testify to it, but when, when? The anticipation is killing me.
Mandy said…
Oh, these pictures are gorgeous! Especially the first one! I cannot wait until blossoms come to our trees.
Unknown said…
Beautiful photos. It is finally warm - in the 50's here. I'm trying not to get to comfortable as it's still early.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Chuck, Ah, something to look forward to...

Mumsy, you know I don't know but they are gorgeous.

bangchik, so well said, thank you.

rainfield, eloquently expressed, you are a poet at heart :)

Kass, lol! soon my friend, soon...

Emm, it won't be very long now.

Diane, It's looking good though when you are in the 50's :)
Margie said…
Spring brings thoughts of love.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Margie, It certainly does :)
Ann said…
Spring is coming YEAH! We've been getting much warmer temperatures here. I can't wait to see some buds and blooms now. Your photos are great
The Twitterer said…
nice shots joanne. i came from a tropical climate and haven't experienced spring yet. thanks for sharing.
Marilynne said…
Spring flowers lift the spirit. I'm glad you're having Spring in San Francisco.
Diane AZ said…
Delightful post! I don't see many trees in the desert that have big blossoms like those. Yes, spring is near!
Self Sagacity said…
sure is Joanne. I see many buds and blooms everywhere. It's beautiful isn't it?
AVCr8teur said…
I am getting the same blooms around the neighborhood. It's such a lovely sight to see because spring is just around the corner.
Duni said…
OMG, I love these photos!
I have always wanted to visit San Francisco and the botanical gardens was on the 'must see' list!
No signs of spring here yet - it's still snowing.
RNSANE said…
Beautiful shots...they remind me of Ruma's ume blossoms. In Georgia, the jonquils and daffodils were popping up everywhere.

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