Rock n Stone Ponds n Gardens

All photos taken @ The San Francisco Botanical Gardens

I am thrilled to announce that the San Francisco Botanical Gardens proposal to charge a $7.00 fee was ok'd by the panel at City Hall on Thursday. It was a passionate, loud and heated debate but in the end it was given the green light. Now it has to go through Mayor Newsom who is in favor of the proposal then to the Board of Supervisors for final approval. I will keep you updated. You can read the entire article by visiting SF GATE.

Thanks to all of you for your support on this issue, it means so much and I appreciate each and every one of you.


betchai said…
beautiful landscape with rocks and stones Jo.
rainfield61 said…
Rock n Stone Ponds n Garden n Joys.
Hello Jo! It's a good start! Hopefully, it will push through with the final approval! xoxo
Self Sagacity said…
YES! Great job Joanne, and thanks again for passing it a long. I think it's a perfect way to keep the unwanted, unsupported folks away too...I am so happy for the news.
Kass said…
Lush and velvety green. Did you tweak these in photoshop? How wonderful to express such green with your 'green light!'
Tes said…
I am really interested in creating a small Japanese garden in our yard! This is beautiful, Jo!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thanks Betchai :)

So well said Rainfield, thank you

Mrs. M, exactly and thanks so much for signing the petition xoxo

Self, thank you and I'll keep you posted on the news.

Kass, lol, I don't know how to use photoshop. I do have a software program that came with my camera though and no I don't tweak, the only thing I will do is fix the focus if a photo needs it. thans

Tes, that would be wonderful, they are all so beautiful.
Ann said…
Oh that's wonderful news. Love the photos, that first one is beautiful.
R.S Mallari said…
I'm not really aware about the issue but for what its worth, i congratulate you JO.

Pictures and poems...thus the name poetic shutterbug.
Beautiful photos, Jo, and that was good new about the garden too.
Martha Z said…
These are difficult times for governments trying to provide services. I would gladly pay $7 to visit this garden, but I can afford it. In general I would rather see taxes raised in such away that the burden for providing services falls on those who can best afford it. In many cases the fees that government is currently being forced to levy are often falling on those least able to pay. I don't enjoy paying taxes, We don't consider ourselves wealthy but I know that we are far better off than most.
Rick (Ratty) said…
I'm glad this step in saving the botanical gardens came out positive. Even though I'll most likely never get to visit there, it's still one of my favorite places, and I always enjoy seeing scenes you share from there.
Sharkbytes (TM) said…
Looks like a great place. If I'm ever in SF, I will be sure to try to take time to visit!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Ann, thanks, they have many little garden vignettes within the gardens which I really love.

Thank you Silent Poet :)

Icy, thanks, yes thank God it got through that first hurdle.

Martha, thank you for your thoughts and comments :)

Ratty, thank you so much, that means alot.

Shark, if you are ever here in SF, Carmen and I will take you on a tour.
Unknown said…
That's great news and those are pretty gardens that you shared.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Diane, it is and thanks alot.
yoon see said…
Wow! I really love these shots, so unique, clam and I can really connect and relate to such serence setting!
My most happiest moment is to visit and witness this magical natureland one day!
I wish I could visit this botanic garden:)
RNSANE said…
I am so delighted to hear this news, Jo. What a wonderful respite for these beautiful gardens!

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