My New Book "nameless faces" Listed on

Taken at the Botanical Gardens and Used as The Cover for "nameless faces"

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Well, it has been quite a journey. My new poetry book release has just been published and is now available on This is my first "full length" book of poetry and what makes it even more special is that it is self published. You never really know the meaning of self published until you go through the process.

To be honest, in the very beginning I thought "there's no way I can do this." However it was not difficult at all and was for me a very exciting process. I learned so much about formatting, working with Microsoft word and PDF files that I feel like a pro :) Seriously though, I had a blast publishing this book and to see it on is really something special.

I have to admit that there was one particular day when dealing with the Table of Contents formatting through Word Doc. was making me crazy. I was pulling my hair out at one point though the good news is I pulled much of the gray out. However, you learn through trial and error.

The book depicts some of my journey through Hong Kong in 2008 with the bulk of the poetry focused on my love of nature and respect for all living things. I write from the heart and that's what you will find throughout the pages of "nameless faces," my heart. I wanted to use a photo of the Botanical Gardens for the cover which you can see above. I literally have hundreds of photos of the gardens and the one I chose for some reason just stood out and begged "pick me." Designing the cover was for me the best part of creating this book. I love playing around with photos and designing things so I enjoyed that aspect very much.

Being able to get my work out to an audience using the CreateSpace platform was a fantastic experience. It was easy, fun and the time lines were wonderful. It only took two days for the book to appear on after my final approval. I was amazed. I would love to create a photo book with CreateSpace as well. I have absolutely no idea how to do that but then again, I had no idea how to self publish a book a couple of weeks ago.

I want to again thank Christy Pinheiro at PassKey Publications. Her detailed how-to on self publishing gave me the tools I needed to complete this book.

If any of you would like more information or would like to order a copy of the book, you can click the widget above or email me with your questions at

Thank you,



Unknown said…
Congrats Joanne! I know I've said that many times but I'm so happy for you!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thank you Diane, not only for your well wishes but for plugging the book on your blog. That means so much to me.
Kass said…
I love the title and the cover for your book. I don't think I could ever do this. My hat is off to you.
WillOaks Studio said…
Beautiful photo for your cover and congratulations on your new book! I've put you on my wish list until I have a few more choices to get the free shipping (darn it, I just got a new order from them but it was placed before I learned of your new book!) - but I do order on a regular basis so I'll let you know!! Best wishes for the success of this publications!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Yay! I'm so happy for you Joanne. Thanks for the link. Good for you... I'm glad you didn't give up on your dream.
Congrats on your poetry book, Jo, and wish you great success!
Ann said…
Oh Joanne that cover is fabulous. I'm so excited for you. Congratulations
~✽Mumsy✽~ said…
This is wonderful new, and I hope you'll have great success.
VanillaSeven said…
Congrats on your new book Jo! :)
Good luck with the sales of your book Joanne. Well done on getting it finished!
Liz said…
Congrats Joanne. You're poems are really great and I'm so happy for you. :)
Joanne Olivieri said…
Kass, I'm sure you could do it and very well I might add.

Karen, I love being on your wish list :D

Christy, Thank you for helping me with my dream.

Willie, thanks.

Icy, Thanks so much for your kind wishes.

Ann, I love the cover too :)

Thank you Mumsy

Thanks Vanilla

Glynis, It was quite a journey and thank you

Thanks so much Liz.
betchai said…
congrats, Jo. wishing you the best, hope the book sells great. your photo.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thank you Betchai and yeah, that is one of my favorite photos :)
Rick (Ratty) said…
Just judging by the cover, I like it already. Your poetry I've read on your blogs tells me that I know it's a good book. I know it's considered a shallow thing, but I pick a lot of my books by the look of the cover. I've found some very excellent things that way. The cover of your book is one I'm drawn to.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Ratty, Thanks and I do the same. Covers speak to me. I've ordered several copies which should arrive within a couple of weeks so you will have yours in April :)
Unknown said…
"Poetic Shutterbug" has been included in this weeks A Sunday Drive. I hope this helps to attract even more new visitors here.

P.S.: Congratulations on the success of your book! I hope it gets Oprah's attention.
eastcoastlife said…
Congratulations, Joanne! What an achievement!
Wow.... I'm thinking of self publishing my own book too. You are an inspiration.
Daisy said…
Big congratulations to you! And you picked a beautiful image for the cover. I wish you huge success!
Joanne Olivieri said…
FishHawk, you are so sweet and thank you so much for including me in the Sunday Drive, I'm honored. Oprah? LOL!!!

ECL, Thank you and you should. It's so rewarding.

Daisy, Thanks so much :D
Makoy said…
Congrats joanne! Give me a free copy hehe
Cheers to you! You got the right choice for the book cover!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Makoy, Thanks, LOL

Mrs. M, Thank you I love that cover too.
RNSANE said…
Well, Jo, I've already ordered the book and, yes, dear, I will be needing some help to get my own, "Life's Journey" to the presses. You're a pro at the poetry book stuff and I am not even published yet.

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