Japanese Moon Garden Waterfall

I went to the gardens today to drop off my volunteer form. Yep, I decided since I'm there all the time I may as well volunteer for one of the many positions they have available so I am excited about that.

Of course I had to make the rounds and get photos and video. One of my favorite spots in the gardens is the Japanese Moon Garden waterfall. For months it has been dry but today after the rains and hail we've been having, the falls are alive and flowing effortlessly. I was so happy to see this so I took the photo above and a couple of videos below so you could experience the falls as well. Enjoy!


Secondary Roads said…
Such a beautiful place! At least winter appears to be headed for the exit in these parts.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Chuck, I am so glad to hear that, it's been a long Winter for you.
Unknown said…
That is just delightful, Jo. I find the sound of water so relaxing. But here's a chuckle for you. Your videos made me have to get up and go to the bathroom.
Joanne Olivieri said…
jakill, lol! hilarious, although I can relate because while there taking the videos I had to go use the restroom :D
~✽Mumsy✽~ said…
The sound of the waterfall is magical, and your photo is beautiful!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thank you so much Mumsy :)
Ann said…
The waterfalls are beautiful. Very lively. Good luck with your application, good idea to go for it since you are there so much.
Joanne Olivieri said…
THanks Ann, I figured why not, I'm always there and love it so we'll see, keep ya posted.
Diane AZ said…
What a wonderful idea to help out at the botanical gardens! The waterfall is so natural looking and I love the mossy green color on the rocks.
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous photo, Jo, and your videos are very enjoyable..I hope you have lot more opportunity to take pictures while volunteering.
WillOaks Studio said…
That was such a treat!! What a beautiful spot...and to think you can visit all the time!! Volunteering there sounds just wonderful.
redzlan said…
Great!.. spring is coming!
lina said…
What a beautiful spot. I can imagine getting all peaceful and serene sitting there listening to the water.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Diane, yes I hope the volunteer thing works out. Thank you.

Thank you Willie

Icy, Thanks, I do too and hope it works out.

Karen, thank you and I hope I can.

Tabib, It certainly is :)

lina, it is so tranquil and serene there. Thank you.
Rick (Ratty) said…
A volunteer form!!! I can't tell you how excited I am for you! That's the kind of thing I only dream I could do. I've often thought if there is ever any chance at all of them doing something like that here, I'd be the first one on the list. I really hope this turns into something very fun for you. This is really great!
VanillaSeven said…
Great garden and videos! I wish I can join you there Jo :)
RNSANE said…
What a great idea, Jo, to volunteer. You will be perfect for them, you already know so much about the place and, with your love for the Botannical Gardens, you will pass that enthusiasm along to others.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Ratty, Yes, I was excited so I'm just waiting for them to call. I'll keep you updated.

Vanilla, I wish you could too :) Maybe someday.

Carmen, I hope it works out.

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