An Hour @ Ocean Beach San Francisco

All Photos and Video Taken By Me @ Ocean Beach San Francisco.

The audio in the videos is a mixture of the waves and the wind. It was a warm and beautiful day yet extremely windy. I decided to upload these on YouTube because for some reason the blogger videos do not show a photo frame and I like having a photo frame on my videos.

Hmm, interesting shadow shot? I'll leave it to your imagination :)

There are huge walls of sand along the great highway at the beach due to construction work going on at Sloat Boulevard and beyond. Due to high waves etc... there is alot of erosion and as a result walls of sand are being moved and cleared. It was an interesting hour at the beach today.


Kass said…
Thank you for sharing this. It is powerfully beautiful.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thanks, Kass, I am always mesmerized by Ocean Beach
Martha Z said…
Wonderful views of the ocean and dunes. I enjoyed watching the video of the waves rolling in as well. We go that way when we visit friends in Santa Cruz. It's much nicer than the inland route and I enjoy the drive around San Pablo Bay.

Thanks for your comment, some images just seem to call for a haiku but I am new at the art and feel insecure with my attempts.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Willie, Thank you.

Martha, It is the scenic route to Santa Cruz, which I miss, I haven't been there in ages. I loved your haiku and the way it was expressed. Don't be insecure, you have a talent.
Beautiful photos, and the sound of the ocean is music to my ears!
Margie said…
I'll leave a comment when I come out of this trance.
Ann said…
An hour at the beach is always good even if it's windy and from the sound of those videos it was very windy
Diane AZ said…
Thank you for sharing your hour by the beach. I especially like the vegetation in the first image and the patterns in the sand in the last one.
~✽Mumsy✽~ said…
It must have been a very relaxing hour for you to just wandering around and soak in the ocean.
Unknown said…
I live here at ocean beach and you did justice to the beauty. Very well done ! thank you for sharing
ruthi said…
This is one part of San Francisco that a lot of people do not know. Thanks for sharing.
Chubskulit Rose said…
I love the two last shots!
Rick (Ratty) said…
I always like seeing moving water. I love how the ocean looks like it's going on forever. I've only seen sights like that three times in my life, and only at two of our Great Lakes. And I love the patterns in the sand in the last picture.
RNSANE said…
Wonderful videos, Jo!! I was just down at Shell Beach in the San Luis Obispo area for our two day CA Sexual Assault Investigators conference which is held at the beautiful Cliffs Hotel on the Pacific - great weather, wonderful sleeping to the ocean symphony, good colleagues. It was a spectacular drive down with the hills so green after the winter rains.

Love that shadow shot - I captured some nice ones on this trip but none that can match that one in particular!!
Verna Luga said…
I love the last photo, they look like live flowing sand ... lovely ...
rainfield61 said…
Just sit down on the seaside, looking at the waves, listen to the splashing water, wow...
Unknown said…
Great photos and videos. That beach looks wonderfully bracing. The last sand pic is just amazing.
DoanLegacy said…
Thank you for sharing your videos, and gorgeous pictures..A mental trip down by the ocean is always needed!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thank you all for taking the time to visit, read and comment. I appreciate all of you so much.

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