Shadow Shot Sunday - The SF 49ers & Bench

I'm walking along Lake Merced in San Francisco and find these two scenes not far from each other. I find them both a bit odd. First we have a SF 49er cap hanging on a nail on a wooden plank. Second, I find a blue metal bench along the street, not near any bus stops, facing a busy street. What could this mean? My thinking is that Alex Smith, the SF 49er quarterback should be benched. It's the only logical explanation. If you follow football you'll understand my logic. Happy Shadow Shot Sunday.

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Gemma Wiseman said…
Amazing how signs can seem like answers to thoughts! Especially love the shapely shadows in the second photo!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Greyscale, exactly, it's all in the interpretation. Thanks fo stopping by and commenting.
Kay L. Davies said…
I've been thinking of San Francisco, but not football. It's still baseball season, especially there!!
I think the blue bench was built for old ladies with sore feet. I wish there were more of them, everywhere (I mean benches, two is plenty of sore feet).

Kay, Alberta
Kelli said…
don't follow your football so will take your word for it, love the shadow the bench seat makes though
Ann said…
I don't know much about football but I like the way you think. I would say that was a sign for sure. Love the shots
EG CameraGirl said…
Hehehe! Your mind was feeling creative, I see. :)
Unknown said…
Neat photo. Nice composition.

My entry is here
RNSANE said…
Terrific shadows....wish the 49ers were doing better! Thankfully, the Giants are giving us some joy.
ruthi said…
hahaha... well, i can't say much about the 49ers... i love football too but I go for New England Patriots. wink* And oh, Tom Brady is my Hubby's only competition with me. hahaha

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