Pretty in Pink

Photo and Video taken at the San Francisco Zoo


Liz said…
They're very pretty!

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration and I wish you a great week ahead. :)
Ann said…
Love the flamingos. Last time I saw this many in one place is was in someone's front yard. Of course those were all fake ones. They had set them all up for a breast cancer awareness thing.
Salitype said…
oh! gorgeous flamongoes, its been awhile since i saw one..

they epitomize what gracefulness is about.
RNSANE said…
They are gorgeous, Jo, you'd think you were in the Bahamas!
The Silver Age Sara said…
It's been so long since I've seen flamingos and I'd forgotten how beautiful they are.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Liz, I did and hope you did as well. Enjoy your day today and have a wonderful week.

Ann, ah, yes I've seen that as well. The real ones have an actual exhibit at our zoo.

Salitype, yes, you've said it well. They are beautiful and graceful creatures.

Carmen, I wish I were :D

MountainWoman, lol, I know.
betchai said…
you chose the perfect title for them Jo, pretty in pink. love the formation in the second picture, seems like they form diamond shape.
Such a marvelous flamingos to see, and the picture is beautiful!
rainfield61 said…
Your title is fantastic.
Joanne Olivieri said…
betchai, They are very pretty :)

Icy, thanks and I'm happy you enjoyed them.

rainfield, thank you :)

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