

Tangled limbs

sitting bare

a desolate wilderness

quietly commingling


Secondary Roads said…
Awesome photo and verse. They commingle so nicely.
Daisy said…
Gosh, that tree really has a lot of tangled limbs. I'll bet trees are happier when they have their coats of leaves.
Margie and Edna said…
Margie: "Tangled limbs" and "naked." You are speaking old Margie's language now!
I could tell you about a lot of tangled limbs but I'm saving it for my autobiography.
RNSANE said…
That Margie is a character...now I could talk about entanglements and commingling, maybe not so quietly...whoops, that might be x-rated. Seriously, Jo, wonderful photograph and poem!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Chuck, cute :) thanks so much.

Daisy, those trees are ready for you to climb :)

Margie, I'll just bet that your autobio will include all those "tangled limbs" with the Margiedales - among others :D

Carmen, I know about most of your comminglings :D

Icy, Thank you so much and I'm glad you enjoyed it.
rainfield61 said…
They look entangled, but there are ways to get out of these. In their own ways.
Ann said…
Enjoyed your photo and verse
betchai said…
love the picture of the tree that you chose for those haunting verses. another wonderful piece from you Jo.
R.S Mallari said…
This picture depicts lots of emotions, it can make you sad, contemplate but at the same can make you glad.
Joy said…
beautiful pictures.....beautiful flowers.
Rick (Ratty) said…
I love gnarled old trees like this. This is an excellent example of the best kind.
Joanne Olivieri said…
rainfield, exactly, you are very wise my friend.

Ann, thank you so much.

betchai, I'm glad you enjoyed it and welcome back.

Silent Poet, very intuitive, thanks for stopping by.

Joy-Anne, Thank you so much

Ratty, I do too, they say so much.

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