Daisy The Curly Cat Contest Winner

Daisy The Curly Cat blog is one of my top favorite blogs on the Internet. It is the first blog I visit for my daily dose of humor and it never disappoints. It makes me smile, laugh out loud and just enjoy the day with a great attitude. Daisy was running a contest the other day where you could win your choice of a prize from her Cafe Press store and I found out just a few minutes ago that I won. Please visit their blog link here to see just how I was chosen as the winner.

Thank you Daisy and Harley - you've made my day and have me smiling from ear to ear :)


Daisy said…
I am so glad you won! Congratulations!
Split Rock Ranch said…
Congratulations! Daisy is one of my favorite blogs, too. Enjoy!
Anonymous said…
Congrats Jo!
Jena Isle said…
Congrats, Joanne. I'm going over there now to visit.
Cherry said…
wow! congratulations! now, if you let me go and visit Daisy. have a blessed Sunday, Jo! thanks for infecting me with your happiness! :)
Lucy Lopez said…
Congratulations! I was about to go to the next post when the gorgeous pic stopped me. That cat on the left looks just like my Bazzie (minus the head gear):)
betchai said…
congratulations, Jo. that's a fun image you have in the post.
Rick (Ratty) said…
Congratulations on winning the contest!
RNSANE said…
Glad you won, Jo! You are always winning something....that ticket to Hong Kong on Cathay Pacific was the ultimate...but any price is great!
J. M. P. said…
Awesome! This definitely is your kitten day, I've just visited WillOaks Studio and... !!! Congratulations x 2. :)
ped mercado said…
congratulations... just by looking at the pictures, the blog is really something that will make you smile. i'll try to have a daily dose of bliss just like you. thanks.

ped's kaleidoscope
Joshua Zimmerman said…
That poor poor cat. I feel bad for him.
Rich Sands said…
Congratulations! Daisy has impeccable taste.
Ann said…
Congratulations, You are on a winning streak. I saw you also were a winner on WillOaks Studio.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thanks to all of you for your good wishes and comments. Ann, I know, I'm actually thinking of buying a lottery ticket which is something I never do but I am on a roll :)

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