Madame Tussauds Hollywood

The wax celebrity figures here look so real in person that you feel like they are actually there. For more information visit Madame Tussauds


Cherry said…
the wax are amazing works of art. thanks for sharing. happy monday! :)
Unknown said…
Very cool! Wax museums are so neat. Hope you had fun on your trip!
rainfield61 said…
Marilyn Monroe is forever young at this place.
They do look like real people, and this must be interesting to see in person.
bessye said…
Hi Joanne!
I visited a wax museum there back in the eighties when I lived out there. I don't remember if this is the same one. Of course there were different wax figures at that time.
Snoop dogg wasn't even born yet!

Glynis Peters said…
Marilyn looked so real! They are clever.
Rick (Ratty) said…
I've never seen a wax museum except in movies. It must be an amazing experience. That first one looks completely real in the picture.
AVCr8teur said…
Madame Tussaud's museums are great! Wax museums always have cool figures out front to lure you in.
Jennifer MacNeill said…
Something kind of creepy about this place. I've always wanted to go though - if only for a photo of me with a wax figure that I could use to trick my family, hee hee:)
I visited Madame Tussaud's in London years ago. It's probably completely different now. I was most impressed by the Doctor Who exhibit! :-)
Joanne Olivieri said…
Cher, they really are. They look so real it's spooky :)

DK, I had a blast on my trip. It was too short though.

Rainfield, she sure is.

Icy, Marilyn was located outside the exhibit where all the other impersonators were milling around so at first glance I though she was a Marilyn impersonator :) That's Hollywood for you.

bessye, LOL! Snoop dogg looked amazing.

Glynis, They are too clever. She looked astonishingly real.

Ratty, they really do look so real. This one was the best I've seen.

AVC, yep, they know how to make money on these celebrities fo sure.

Jennifer, It can be a little creepy at times but it is fun.

John, their exhibits are fantastic. Thanks for commenting

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