Thursday Two Questions Meme - Cell Phones
I am from the old school where phones are meant for communication and to speak with family and friends. I do have a cell phone that I bought years ago and is basically a no frills phone. I bought it through Tracfone because of the pay as you go option.
Due to the internet connectivity issues I have been having which are still not completely resolved I found it necessary to upgrade my phone and find something that had access to the internet should my DSL issues continue. I wanted to be able to connect on eBay to receive and fill my store orders.
So, I checked with Tracfone and found one of their latest additions as you can see in the above photo. This is the LG500G which basically does everything short of flying a plane for you. I ordered it the other day and should be receiving it by this weekend. I'm sure it will take me weeks to figure out how to use all the bells and whistles, (what is bluetooth anyway?) but the main thing is it will relieve my anxiety about not being able to fill orders because of the whole AT&T problem. I also urge you to read Amanda's review of Tracfone on last week's Two ?'s. It's a good article.
My two questions this week are:
1. Do you have a cell phone and land line phone?
2. Which do you use as your primary phone?

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It's about half and half, we still get a lot of calls on our home phone.
The ringer and answering machine on the landline are both turned off. The phone is only there for the internet service.
We only use the cell phones but our usage is so low it's not even funny
Wishing you a nice day-
i guess having no landline but only cellphone, answers my question for number 2 :)
primary phone is my cell phone.
I have Sprint Mobile EVO for our WiFi internet option wherever we go. Not to mention, Comcast isn't reliable and I have had to work off my phone for the internet a lot. The unlimited WiFi has saved us tons of time, made use of dead time and made our lives so much more efficient on the go. I also have OOma, a one time paid phone through the internet - no bills after that. It's fabulous... Also I need it for faxing - for the reason that not everyone is on the scan and email process yet.
My cell phone is my primary phone, however, I have to call many people and don't want them to call me back on my I use the OOma.