Thursday Two Questions Meme - Do You Tweak?

I was strolling around the Botanical Gardens a couple of weeks ago and wanted to get this gorgeous shot of trees reflecting in the moon garden pond.  I was in a spot where I could not get near the pond so I zoomed in and snapped away.  While this shot is not what I had expected, I for some reason still liked the way it turned out.  It sort of reminds me of a Monet :D  This shot is straight out of the camera and was not tweaked at all.

My two ?'s have to do with art and photography.

1.  Who is your favorite artist?

2.  Do you tweak your photos?

I also would like to congratulate Icy, BC for winning my contest giveaway.  She chose a gorgeous plate by artist Sandra Kuck which is on the way to her along with two Sony Holland CD's and $20.  

Thanks Icy :)

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♥~Judy~♥ said…
Congrats, Icy.

Tweaking? Depends on the pic. Sometimes it's fun to get different looks and compare them.

Not sure who my favorite artist is. I like daVinci, Norman Rockwell, Michelangelo. I had a classmate who became a well respected artist and I used to love to watch her paint - Janet Trowbridge.
Margaret Duarte said…
1. My favorite artist is Rembrant. Guess it's the Dutch in me.
2. I have a hard enough time remembering to take my camera along and actually use it, let alone remember to download it to my computer and tweak it. For me, photography is a lost art.
Self Sagacity said…
1) Salvador Dali, hi work includes many different styles, which I love.
2)I used to a little bit, and now, not at all. I like to focus on the quality of the photography instead of how I might be able to change it.

Very nice giveaway! That was generous of you.
SquirrelQueen said…
Congrats Icy!

I love your watery reflection, I have been playing with them too. It is like painting with the your camera.

I am a fan of Van Gogh, I love his style and use of color. As I said, I have been playing with reflections and Monet has become a favorite for that reason.

I rarely tweek a photo more than cropping or sometimes lighten it. Sometimes the photos I use for my headers might get a tiny tweek but since I don't own Photo Shop or any similar programs it isn't a lot.
Icy BC said…
1) My favorite artist of all time is Van Gogh's Sunflowers!

2) I do tweak my photos now and then just for the fun of it.

Thanks Jo, for the presents! You're very generous!
DoanLegacy said…
Picasso has to be my favorite for the colorful paintings, and child-like strokes!

I like playing around with my photos. It is a creative way to express.
Lui said…
Oh-oh, there are some local artists which I like but that will create controversies ;-) if I name them. For old masters, I like Marc Chagall.

I sometimes tweak my photos for fun but SOOC is the best.
Ann said…
I don't know that I have a favorite artist. I tend to like a wide variety.

Tweaking photos? who me? lol almost always. sometimes very little and other times I go way overboard
Judy, you have great taste in artists. My Mom adored Rockwell. I actually recognize your friends name though I don't think I've seen her work. I'll have to check her out online. Thanks.

Margaret, For me, photography is my art.

Amanda, I like Dali too. Good way of looking at it. Focus on the quality and try not to change it.

Squirrel, I like that statement "Painting with your camera." That's exactly what it feels like. Thanks.

Icy, Ah, I love that painting as well you have excellent taste. And, You are welcome, I hope you enjoy your gifts :)

Doan, it is a creative means of expression, thank you.

Lui, Chagall is wonderful. And, like you, I do like the real untouched look of a photo. I do sometimes however, crop and play with lighting.

Ann, LOL!!!!! This post completely applies to you :D
Self Sagacity said…
I love your photos Joanne. Photography or art is being able to see the subject in different views than it had been seen before. For example I took a photo of a flower, then I asked my sister, do you know where I took this photo? She couldn't figure it out, and yet, it was the flower we were standing in front of, though I only took an angle of it and made it look like something exotic.
Stacy Uncorked said…
I don't have a specific favorite artist - but I do love art! :)

I usually don't tweak photos unless I absolutely have of these days I want to try out some cool/fun special effects. :)

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