Pink Friday - Flowers

All photos taken at the San Francisco Botanical Gardens.

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Carmen Henesy said…
Too pretty, Jo. I am so sorry I had to miss this.
Gorgeous pink flowers, Jo! Different shades, and different tones of pink.
rainfield61 said…
Pink-- it is so soft and sexy.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Carmen, we had a great time. Breakfast at my donut shop :) then the gardens, then the Haight. We both had stuff to get done late afternoon so we were home by around 3 or so. It was the perfect day.

Icy, Thanks, there are so many pinks to choose from out there :)

rainfield, It is, isn't it? :)
vernz said…
wow, love the first fallen pink flower photo... lovely... was here for PF.
Maia said…
What an amazing series of pink beauties. How interesting the first one, no leaves just the beautiful flower in the sand.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Vernz, thanks so much.

Maia, That first one just struck a chord. I saw it lying on the ground amidst the sand and rocks, it had fallen from the tree and I just thought it was so pretty.
Cheerful said…
wow, those are beautiful flowers...and great shot too! i would be very happy to see those in person! wishing you a great week! :)

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