Macro Monday - Orange

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Lui said…
This are awesome shots! And I think it is also perfect to link to an orange theme somewhere... I forgot where!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Lui, Thank you. There are so many memes I can barely keep up with all of them.
Anonymous said…
Quite nice & pretty macros - Fantastic shots!!!
margie said…
love the orange. great shots.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thank you Tricia.

margie, Thanks so much for visiting and commenting.
msdewberry said…
Orange, a nice fall colour and showcased here with great photos!
Redzlan said…
Beautiful yellow theme.
One said…
Very lovely, Joanne. I like the first one the most.
The first photo is very intriguing.... was it taken upside down? or were the petals falling?
Maaike said…
the 3rd is my favorite
great shots
Hootin Anni said…
Amazing photography talents you have!! Beautiful.

Here is my macro link

Hope to have you visit if time allows! Happy Monday.
Roan said…
I've never seen so many orange flowers in one place. Gorgeous! I especially like the first shot.
Helena said…
These are great macros! Love the bright orange. :)
Dimple said…
Nice! I had to look for a little before I recognized the California poppy! The others I couldn't put a name to, at all.
"Lillagul" said…
Great photos !
And lovely autumn colors as well :)
Have a nice monday !
Cecilia Artista said…
Gorgeous orange colors! Nice shots!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thank you all for your wonderful comments. Very much appreciated.
Maia T said…
Beautiful colors and lovely flowers. The little yellow flower in the first shot is a poppy, I think.
Gorgeous macros!
R.S Mallari said…
Is it the camera or the person behind it? You're shots always amazes me.
ruthi said…
orange is my favorite color. those macro shots of flowers are so great. the sharpness and texture of the subject are awesome.
Self Sagacity said…
Jo, I need to get the bug like you to snap photos, I am so lazy at taking pictures. I will tell you why. I was dramatized sometime ago, when we go anywhere, I was the only photographer, yes, so I lived all my vacations and events with my family and friends behind the lenses. I felt really cheated, since I never see any photos of myself, isn't that sad? So I woke up one day and said enough, I will be there like everyone else...Smiles.
RNSANE said…
Your oranges are incredible, Jo...such spectacular flowers that really stand out!
Unknown said…
They are all wonderful but I especially love the first one! The colro is fabulous!

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