Macro Flowers Saturday - Small Buds

For all of you garden lovers and flower aficionados, like our Botanical Garden Facebook page and join in on the fun. Share your tips, thoughts and ideas and enter to win contests including memberships. Thank you. And, don't forget to visit the other participants in Macro Flowers Saturday by clicking the widget below.

Macro Flowers Saturday badge 1

Make sure to visit the other entries by clicking the above widget.


Ann said…
Gorgeous shots Joanne. That second one just looks like it's popping right off the page at me.
Olga Poltava said…
Beautiful photo shots. I especially like the last one.
jeanlivingsimple said…
All the Marco shots are outstanding! You really have a good eye.
lina said…
Lovely. I particularly like the second and last photo. :)

Beauties waiting to bloom. ^_^
Bossy Betty said…
WHoooo! Love these. The last one is my favorite!
AVCr8teur said…
So many buds ready to bloom and birds & insects to visit!
What neat pictures of all the buds. I love how some of them look ready to pop open.
SquirrelQueen said…
So many times we concentrate on the blooms and forget about the buds which are also very beautiful. Great macros, I really like the second shot. It reminds me of one of my Semps.
RNSANE said…
Your macro lens makes these small buds assume
gigantic proportions. They are fantastic shots!
Maia T said…
These are all gorgeous flowers and photos. Like always, you excel in unusual beautiful flowers and amazing photo quality.
Heather said…
There's something special about the little buds...just babies, they are...pure perfection.

♥ from A Vermont Girl
Linnea said…
Terrific closeups! They are so delicious looking that they make me think of candy!
Self Sagacity said…
The macros are incredible. They are truly macro, I can't get that close with my camera. :-)
Carol said…
All so stunning!!! Lovem!
DoanLegacy said…
Gorgeous and fantastic shots of these wonderful looking buds!
ruma said…
A feeling of throbbing pulse of the life. . .

Thank you for showing the splendid brightness.

From Japan.
ruthi said…
oh my goodness... they are so pretty. there is something about the buds that really captivate me too.
Flower Town said…
That last photo is really a great macro, because I really love lavender flowers...
Joanne Olivieri said…
I so appreciated all of your thoughts and kind words. Thank you all for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend.
Anonymous said…
They're all so pretty!
Mylene said…
They are all beautiful :)

Great capture.

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