Skywatch Friday - Randomness

St. Dominic's Church in San Francisco

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Marin County, CA.

SF Botanical Gardens

Visit Skywatch Friday for more beautiful sky photography.


eileeninmd said…
Looks like you are having some beautiful blue sky days there. Gorgeous photos, thanks for sharing. Happy skywatching!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Eileen, we've been lucky and having some beautiful weather here. Have a great weekend.
rainfield61 said…
You are having a clear blue sky.

I am not.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Chub, thank you and I thoroughly enjoyed your post.

Rainfield, yes we are :) Loved that railroad tunnel as well.
RNSANE said…
It's good to see you back online, Jo. Lovely photos, as always!
Icy BC said…
Beautiful clear blue sky, Jo! We are in a heat wave here, so looking at your sky photo is rather soothing!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Carmen, It's good to be connected again :)

Icy, I've heard about your heat waves there. Please drink lots of water and TRY to stay cool.
Maia said…
Beautiful photos, what an architectural jewelry in the first one.
In the last two days we are having heavy storms with ice the size of a cherry after weeks of heat wave but I don't want that clear blue sky or the 38 degrees back soon.
Kilauea Poetry said…
Hi there..these are pretty- love the image of the botanical gardens! Wishing you a great weekend-
Joanne Olivieri said…
Maia, thank you. Ice the size of cherries? I cannot even imagine. I'll see you on your meme today. I was without a connection for a while so couldn't participate.

Kilauea, Thanks so much and you have a wonderful weekend as well.
Very good photos.


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