Sundays in my City - Boats Along Fisherman's Wharf

Unknown Mami

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Kelli said…
awesome shots! what a beautiful day, I love the waterfront
Gary said…
Joanne, I like waters, boats and boatrides. Therefore I like this post very much!

The photos are nice too, with all the blues -- all over.

Great shots!
Tara R. said…
I love marinas, so many interesting things to see - like why would you need a bicycle on a boat?

The reflections in the water are very pretty.
lina said…
I like the first photo. The blue sky and the reflection. Nice. :)
Unknown said…
Oh wow. So beautiful. Serene in the water. I have always thought boats were some of the most lovely modes of transportation. Sleek and pretty!
These are great shots, Jo, and I love the reflections too!
Ann said…
Fisherman's wharf looks very pretty. I should take a drive one of these days to the marina and get some pictures but it's way too cold this time of year for me. Maybe this summer.
DoanLegacy said…
What gorgeous pictures of the boats, and beautiful reflections also..
Joanne Olivieri said…
Kebeni, thanks, it was the perfect day out there.

Gary, Thanks so much I Love boats and water as well. While in HK I could stand there and watch Victoria Harbor for hours :)

Tara, I agree on that and thank you for stopping by and commenting.

Lina, glad you like it, thank you.

Life with Kaishon, Oh, I so agree with you and thank you.

Icy, I couldn't believe how clear that water was. Thanks my friend.

Ann, yeah, for you Summer would be perfect. Thanks.

Doan, Thank you so much :)
I never get tired of looking at the boats along the wharf. It's lovely all year long.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Mami, you are so right, I'd love to live down there.
Gorgeous shots! So many shades of blue. I especially like the two shots that have the wonderful reflections from the water. Just beautiful!

Thanks for sharing these~!
Joanna Jenkins said…
Very nice... The waters are so calm. I lived near here about 22 years ago, about the time the sea lions were taking over. Have they moved on?
Cheers, jj
Sharkbytes said…
Here, the boats are all out of the water for the winter- many shrink wrapped and stored like cans in a pantry.
Rebecca said…
Beautiful. I totally wish that I lived near a body of water like that.
Amy DM said…
I love how you capture the reflections so perfectly.
Jen said…
looks like a really nice day by the water, i miss this kind of day!
ruthinian said…
I hope I will be able to see this in my trip to SF so I can have the same shots. wink*

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