Mellow Yellow Monday - The Yellow Rose

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Kala said…
What gorgeous, vivid yellow color!
RNSANE said…
The yellow rose is beautiful - my eternal favorite flower.
Ann said…
Beautiful rose. Whenever I see a yellow rose it reminds me of a song my dad used to always sing. "the yellow rose of Texas"
Stephanie V said…
That's a stunning rose. Yellow roses are my favorite.
Kim, USA said…
Oh my gush this is just a pure yellow rose, very beautiful!! Thanks for sharing!

Turtles and frogs
Yellow rose,
dark secrets you hold—
will you tell?
Life Moto said…
indeed i love the colored yellow rose. it also my wife favorites.
Liz said…
Stunning rose!

Happy MYM.

Liz @ MLC
Dani said…
warm beauty! a it!
Have a sunny day!
Chubskulit Rose said…
That is just lovely!

Please come and see my Father & Son for MYM.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Hello all, I am having an issue with error messages from Blogger on comments today so I am just going to say thank you all for visiting and commenting. I appreciate you all so much.
Gemma Wiseman said…
Beautiful, brilliant depth of radiant yellow in this rose! A wonderful series of shots!
lina@home sweet home said…
Very very lovely rose...
Thanks for dropping by :)
Eden said…
What a beautiful yellow rose! Great shots. You captured it wonderfully.
LadyNoor said…
Beautiful shot. I love the colour. So rich, so fresh...
Marice said…
OH MY! I could almost feel it! Amazing!
That is a perfect rose and perfect pictures of it. Sometimes I really miss having a flower garden! Thanks for sharing.

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