Shadow Shot Sunday - Cranes

Taken at the Japanese Tea Garden in San Francisco

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RNSANE said…
Most elegant birds - they're shadows are pretty elegant as well. But what would you expect from one of the most elegant photographers around!!!
Anonymous said…
I love this!!!
A favorite spot in Golden Gate.nice!
Sylvia K said…
What a gorgeous shadow shot for the day! Love the colors, the water and such lovely birds! Hope you have a great weekend!

Diane AZ said…
Elegant birds in a peaceful setting. Looks like you had a nice time taking pictures at the Japanese Tea Garden.
Cassie said…
Okay Simon, this is my favorite performance so far this season!! T-riffic Shadow Shot.
Marilyn said…
Thanks for stopping by for a visit. We visited the Japanese tea garden when we visited SF! The photo is lovely and so peaceful looking. We have a heron that flies by our house every summer on the way to and from the recharge pond down the irrigation ditch (canal).
Anonymous said…
Easy to write a small book about ... thank you for this nice photography. Wearing "them" in ink after an accident, makes them indeed birds of life for me. Please have a wonderful Sunday.

daily athens
Self Sagacity said…
Love the shadow shots of the crane. They are beautiful.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Carmen, thank you and I learned from the best, YOU!

fraye, thank you so much.

Prairie, thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

Sylvia, thanks so much and to you as well.

Diane, thanks, it is fun taking shots there.

Cassie, LOL! Thanks so much for the smiles.

Marilyn, Yes, it is a popular spot for tourists and how coll to have that heron flying out your way.

Thanks so much Robert and hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Self, Glad you like them, thank you.
What lovely lines in the birds and their reflections.
Olga Poltava said…
OMG, I recognize these cranes. I've been to Japanese Gardens in SF. That's a wonderful place.
And I love this picture!
Ann said…
What a lovely setting that is. Great shadows cast by such elegant birds.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Chasing purple, thanks so much for coming by and commenting.

Olga, thanks, it was fun there, right?

Sheri, thank you so much.

Ann, thanks, you know I wasn't even aiming for a shadow shot I just liked the angle of the pic with the cranes.
Gemma Wiseman said…
What a beautiful scene! Those cranes look so elegant and peaceful as do their watery shadows!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Greyscale, it is a very peaceful and serene spot out there. Thanks so much for dropping by.
Unknown said…
What a lovely spot, and nice shadow shots.
Joanne Olivieri said…
nana, thank you for your kind words.
Great shot. Nice reflection/shadow. Thanks for stopping by the flower pot blog and leaving comments.

Kass said…
Is that bird craning his neck to see me?
Great picture.
Rick (Ratty) said…
This is one of the most beautiful pictures I've sen in quite awhile. I like this one a lot. And the place looks very beautiful. It must be fantastic to be there.
EG CameraGirl said…
Magical! This shot is wonderful!
Jenny said…
They hardly look real, Joanne! Breathtaking shot!
SquirrelQueen said…
Beautiful cranes, and the shadowy reflections are perfect.
VanillaSeven said…
Are they real? They look like statues from here. Beautiful!
Cruiselife & Co said…
Wow, are these actually real? They look like perfect statues. A superb shot!
Unknown said…
Fantastic SS! Thanks for sharing this beautiful scene!
What an elegant shadow! Or, I guess that would be, shadows. Wow.
Beverley Baird said…
What a lovely spot. Great shadows as well!
Brilliant shot. A calendar style image, great picture.
Very elegant...lovely shadow shot! this shot, Jo! The shadow of the crane is fantastic.
Whoa your shots are improving tremendously. And I thought that this is just a painting! Love it!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Barb, thank you and it was a pleasure visiting you.

Kass, exactly, I was hearing this call, KKKAAASSS that must have been for you :D

Ratty, it's got that Japanese zen feel to it, it's very quiet and beautiful. Though now is when the tourists start to descend on all of these gardens so it's a little less quiet.

Eg, thank you so much.

Jennifer, :) you caught it. They are not real, they are steel sculptures.

Squirrel, that's what I liked most, the reflections.

Ancient digger, you caught it too :) they are sculptures.

Vanilla, they are sculptures though so well done, they do look real.

Jane, thank you, you are very welcome.

Paula, thanks so much for visiting and commenting.

Beverley, thanks so much

Glynis, thank you and great idea :)

Lisa, thank you very much for your kind words.

Icy, Thanks alot and hope you had a great weekend.

Michelle, Mrs.M, Thanks for your kind compliments xoxo
Carver said…
The cranes are fantastic and I love how well you caught their reflections.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Carver, thanks, yes I thought the reflections were pretty cool.
jabblog said…
That is such an artistic shot. The shadows are wonderful. Cranes are symbols of good luck.
Joanne Olivieri said…
jabblog, I didn't know that about cranes, thanks so much for the info and for taking the time to visit and comment.
ruthi said…
another great shot.

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