Wordless Wednesday - Beauty in the Gardens


Kass said…
Oh, those blossoms dangling in the light are just lovely!
Anonymous said…
How lovely... I can almost smell the fragrance!
Ann said…
such pretty blossoms. It sounds very windy there in the video.
Diane AZ said…
So relaxing to watch the flowers gently swaying in the breeze. :)
Rick (Ratty) said…
I love that video, with the easy blowing wind through those blossoms.
~✽Mumsy✽~ said…
Gorgeous flowers! The video is a joy too, including that laugh.
lina said…
Lovely. Such sweet colour too.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Kass, thanks, they are beautiful in person.

dawn, :) I wish there were a way to embed fragrances in a post :D

Ann, It was very windy that day so I'm happy the video worked.

Diane, It really is, thank you.
I saw those flowers here too, but have no idea what they're called..Beautiful photos and watching the video was very relaxing for me.

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