Outdoor Wednesday #182

Photos taken at Ocean Beach in San Francisco.

Visit Outdoor Wednesday for more beautiful outdoor photography.


Gemma Wiseman said…
Such wonderful rock shapes! Mother Nature is a top class artist!
Larry said…
What lovely photgraphs... I am particularly impressed by the last capture! Larry
Leslie's Garden said…
Gorgeous! Especially the first photo with the hills in the background in the light haze.
Andrea said…
When we see those white waves breaking at a distance in the horizon, we already know it is scary to ride small boats and we dont go to the beach. I wonder if it's the same in that area. Very lovely photos
Ann said…
Nice shots, such gorgeous scenery
This week you posted some really nice scenic seashore shots including handsome boulders.
Joyce M
Bettey said…
Its official! You have given me the beach bug. I must plan a trip soon! If you get a chance, stop by my blog and "Like" Hood Photography on Facebook! Thanks!
betchai said…
beautiful photos, Jo, there is always healing magic in the ocean.
Latane Barton said…
Beautiful rock formations in the ocean. Good job photoing them.
RNSANE said…
Now, those shots do make me a bit homesick...also, for the coolnes of our home!!! Miss you.

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