Camera Critters #223

Leaping Lemur at the San Francisco Zoo

Camera Critters

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betchai said…
these are very cute pictures of the lemur, Jo, I love them for their eye expression and you wonderfully captured their cuteness.
rainfield61 said…
Four philosophers.
Kay L. Davies said…
Aren't lemurs wonderful? Enjoyed your shots!

Kay, Alberta, Canada
SquirrelQueen said…
They have the cutest faces and those tails are just amazing. Great shots!
AVCr8teur said…
They are fun to watch and their eyes are so mesmerizing.
Pat said…
What a great-looking little group!
lorik said…
These are fantastic! I don't think I have ever seen them - lucky you! They do look like they are philosophising - or are they just keeping watch? Great shots.
Cute little guys- love their tails!
Amy Burzese said…
I love them. Their little faces are so interesting.

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